Timber frame class Beginner

Japanese timberframe class Beginner

Our beginner timber framing class is made up of the essential and most basic joints which a person would need to learn to complete a simple Japanese timber frame structure. This class has the novice woodworker in mind and those who may wish to build a small structure  right away. All traditional hand tools will be used in this class. Expert proficiency with hand tools is not a requirements for this class, however; some practice with the basics of sawing, planing and chiseling will make your learning curve much smoother and the whole process easier.
The major joints and key things covered are listed below;
  • Wood selection and use
  • Center line layout
  • Scribing a stone plinth foundation
  • Nuki beam joinery
  • Basic mortise and tenon joinery
  • Fully housed and wedged mortise and tenon
  • Watari ago (a double stepped half lapp joint)
  • Rafter joinery and orientation
Apart from the joinery and practical exercises listed above, the class will include many detailed classes of theory to cover every gap in the process of turning these techniques into a functional house or outbuilding for your use and enjoyment.
Classes are from Monday – Friday 8am-6pm
Each class is limited to 10 students
Course cost is $1300 paid at time of registration

 If you have purchased a class seat PLEASE send and email with your NAME, CONTACT INFO, and whether you are CAMPING or NOT. If camping, you are encouraged to arrive Sunday before class to set up camp!

You should receive a welcome letter within 24 hours of purchasing a class seat. This welcome letter is full of additional information. It will be sent to your email used with Paypal if you have one. If you do not receive it PLEASE LET US KNOW.

Beginner Class #1 : Sept 15-19

Beginner Class #2 : Oct 13-17



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