Our goal is to give the most inclusive, informative and well rounded class experience we possibly can. We are overjoyed and honored to share very advanced building and framing techniques that are practically unknown elsewhere. These techniques will permit you to build a highly advanced timber frame home, practically insulated for maximum efficiency, and designed for easy repair, modification and access of all areas of wall, floor and roof.

In many classes on timber framing a very simple frame is put up and students are lucky to get to create a handful of simple joints during the week. We want people to walk away with as much experience and skill development as possible.

Each student during the class will have the opportunity to personally scribe a post to a stone, and create each type of wooden joint necessary for a Japanese house frame. There wont be time to complete the over 4 dozen joints used by traditional Japanese carpenters, but each student should be able to conceptualize and accomplish a version of whats needed from the foundation, flooring, walls and up into final roofing joinery. Providing a fuller understanding and skill building experience unlike any other.

Our Timber frame class learning environment is a flexible one, with nothing set in stone, it is purely dynamic and dependent upon each students needs and wants. The sky is the limit, but each class will cover the minimum list below;


  • Tree selection and “reading” the wood for best application

  • Advanced Asian Timber frame methods proven against seismic events

  • Care and sharpening of all necessary traditional hand tools

  • Stone plinth foundations

  • Line rule layout of timbers

  • Storey pole layout and cutting traditional joints

  • Traditional rigging and raising methods

  • Roofing, flooring, siding and insulation options and best  application.

  • All traditional hand tools will be supplied for the students, but students are welcome to bring their own tools if they choose.

Our homestead is located in Morgan County KY about 20 miles from Morehead KY. It is about the same distance from West Liberty and Sandy Hook KY. Detailed directions and maps will be provided to students after registering for a class.

Camping sites, parking, water and showers on our property is covered by the registration fee. We will have an outdoor heated shower and outhouses available on site for student use. Wireless internet and device charging can also be had at our property.
  A hearty home cooked lunch will be provided each day.
A gas multi-burner camp stove is provided for students use as well as a sink to clean up. (please bring your own cooking utensils)
Parking space is limited to normal vehicles, we cannot accommodate large RVs or camping trailers.

If camping is not your style, there are several lodging options nearby, the Days inn of west liberty and Little Sandy Lodge of Sandy hook being two of the closest. Many lodging options are to be had in  Morehead as well a bit further away. Cancellations will be refunded until 3 months prior to class date.

Due to popular demand, we are offering both beginner and advanced timber frame classes this year! Please see the different class details to determine which best suits your needs.

Japanese Timberframe class Beginner

Japanese Timberframe class Advanced